Valle d'Aosta - with Lardo di Arnad DOP - and Tuscany with Lardo di Colonnata IGP show how classic Italian gastronomy can break free from the constraints of preconception. Thanks also to the contribution of influential chefs, lard and bacon have managed to conquer pride of place on the tables of the most demanding consumers. With mastery in the use of salting and aromatic herbs, Salumificio Romano Mainelli manages to create various types of lard and bacon, to be relished simply on a slice of warm bread, or used in the preparation of delicious meals.

Pancetta bacon and air-cured pork meat.
Pancetta coppata sgrassata

Cured pork pancetta bacon.
Rolled Pancetta

Cured pork pancetta bacon flavored with garlic.
Rolled Pancetta with garlic

Cured pork pancetta bacon.
Rolled Pancetta with rind

Cured pork pancetta bacon.
Vacuum-packed Pancetta tesa

Cured pork pancetta bacon, with a smoky flavor.
Vacuum-packed Smoked Pancetta Bacon

Cured pork lard (Italian meat).
Salted Spallotto di lardo

Cured pork lard, flavored with aromatic herbs (Italian meat).
Spallotto di lardo with herbs

Cured pork lard and pancetta bacon (Italian meat).
Half stuffed Lard
Romano Mainelli s.r.l.
Via Valsesia, 21
28047 Oleggio (Novara) Italy
- Telefono: +39 0321 91146
- Fax: 0321.998519
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